Welcome to the 2022 Growing Season

Another season is behind us as another stands in front, which has us reflecting and planning all at once on the farm.  2021 had no shortage of challenges in B.C., as most people are aware of the extreme heat paired with fires and followed by floods which severed supply routes.  Many people started thinking about how important local food systems are and about growing their own food.  This has us, as seed growers, feel like a vital piece of the puzzle in out infinite chase for food security.  Growing open pollinated seed, season to season, as the climate changes allows the species to adapt and become resilient in the coming seasons.  Luckily on the farm last season we managed to roll with the punches through the heat wave and most crops flourished (especially the weeds) and a few struggled, but thanks to the wide diversity of species on the farm, the losses were minimal.  Our tomatoes performed very well throughout the extreme heat this year, some of the standout varieties were ‘Bullsheart’ and ‘Black Krim’ with productive vines and large dense flavorful fruits.  Our flowers around the farm flourished this year as well as we interplanted many flowers amongst our vegetable patches.  We loved the ‘Strawflowers’ and ‘Fred’s Giant Zinnia’s’ dashed here and there throughout the gardens almost as much as the insects and other critters did.  Heat loving crops such as peppers and eggplants also did well with our long time grown ‘Gourmet Orange’ bell pepper producing very well and our newly acquired ‘Konasu’ eggplant performed a bounty earlier than any other variety.  We are excited to see what this season brings as we continue to grow and adapt our tried and true varieties as well as newly acquired ones to share and enjoy with our growing community.  Thank you for your interest in Sunshine Farm Seeds and your continued support.

Russ Alcock
