
Admission and  Orientation of Individuals to Sunshine Farm


It is the policy of Sunshine Farm to orient each new person attending the Farm, and its programs, in a manner that is understandable to the individual. This process is designed to increase the ability of the person served to achieve maximum benefit from services.


Attendance to Sunshine Farm is by Referral from Community Living British Columbia.

After the individual is referred, and consent for services has been established, Sunshine Farm orients the person to its services. This is performed and documented in a timely manner based on the goals and schedule established by the individual.

All persons who enter Sunshine Farm programs will receive a comprehensive orientation, provided by staff trained and assigned to provide the orientation. The extensiveness of the orientation may be impacted by the type of services requested, and the availability of scheduled days.

Each person served will be provided with a handbook, calendar, and information to review during the orientation. The handbook or other materials will contain the components and expectations of attending Sunshine Farm.

A schedule will be developed based as much as possible on the requested days of the individual.

Information reviewed includes: rights and responsibilities, how the individual’s service plan is conducted, Farm rules, grievance policies, privacy practices, ethics and professional conduct. Reviewing this information with the person is important in ensuring that they are properly oriented while attending Sunshine Farm.

There may be supplementary orientation forms which include information about communication, and illness, additional providers, transportation, and other correspondence.

During a review of all items on the orientation checklist with person served, questions will be addressed.  The person served will be asked to sign the checklist indicating they understand the information presented, understand the program rules, and are fully aware of any restrictions or privileges that may be imposed due to a violation of the program rules.

The Handbook and handouts include explanations covering the following service components:

  1. Individual rights and responsibilities.
  2. Methods and opportunities for providing input.
  3. A description of the services provided, expected level of participation, expectations, and hours and days of operation.
  4. Sunshine Farm’s and professional/licensed staff code of ethics/conduct.
  5. Sunshine Farm’s policy on input from persons served.
  6. Fire, safety, and emergency precautions, including familiarization with the emergency exits, fire suppression equipment and first aid kits.
  7. The program’s policies regarding the use of tobacco products.
  8. Identification of the person(s) responsible for service coordination.

Staff providing the orientation will be trained prior to their participation to ensure orientations are provided in a consistent manner.

Following the orientation, the signed orientation checklist will be filed in the individual’s file.