Welcome to the 2025 Growing Season

A warm, wet winter was just what we were hoping for here in the Pacific Northwest. We have had a few cold and dry winters of recent with low ominous snowpacks which has made for hot and dry summers exposing wildfire threats and added stress to irrigating crops.

Although, feeling thankful for the generous precipitation and warmth this winter, concerns of early growth and late coldsnaps temper any early celebrating of surviving biennial seed crops and raise concerns for fruit crops if a late coldsnap were to occur. It is a challenge we navigate every season in the interior of British Columbia.

Regardless of the hot and dry conditions this past season, we managed another successful season of seed production along with beautiful produce. A couple of the standout crops which thrived in the heat were eggplants and peppers such as our ‘golden eggplant’ and ‘golden calwonder’ pepper. The golden eggplant produces a small bush loaded with white egg-sized and shaped fruits which are creamy and delicious when roasted. The golden calwonder pepper is a sweet, productive orange bell pepper variety which always performs well for us.

Another interesting crop we trialed this season was ‘Guatamalan Green Fleshed Ayote’ squash which has a delicate yellow flesh with a green tint which darkens green when cooked.The intense summer sun made for sweet nectar flavored ‘Israel Ogen’ Honeydew melons which were early and incredibly bountiful, always a farm favorite.

Another bountiful crop this season was our ‘Fiorentino Zucchini’ which produces elegantly elongated zukes with a sweet, nutty flavor and a very small seed cavity. We sourced this variety initially from Tuscany, Italy where this variety has been grown in an eastern walled city called ‘Castiglion Fiorentino’ for many generations. We highly recommend this striped variety for any zucchini lovers.

We appreciate your time taking in our listing and helping support our small farm and our vision of producing and sharing non-gmo, open pollinated certified organic seeds and how they are vital for food security and localized food systems. May your gardens flourish in 2025.

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